It was a pretty busy last week and this one promises to be just as action-packed.
Arrested Development – I like to think of S4 as a giant puzzle box that’s slowly unraveling, revealing its secrets to us. There have been some solid laughs in the second half of the season and I’m enjoying the show rather thoroughly. Just finished the Maeby episode, so we’re down to the home stretch. One of my favorite things about the show is the way that the family continually makes the same mistakes because they’re all composed of self-centered fools. It’s like a comedy One Hundred Years of Solitude!
I heard Robin Thicke’s “Blurred Lines” approximately 20 times this past weekend. Enjoy!
Not any of these either!
Video Games
Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask – Daily puzzles is where it’s at. I love the land/territory ones.
Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box – About 3/4 done. Animal Crossing is definitely gonna slow down how much progress I make here…
Animal Crossing: New Leaf – Giant Bomb made the latest Animal Crossing release sound so charming and cool that I couldn’t resist downloading it Sunday around 0100. I’m happy to say that it is perfectly charming and it really gets its claws into you somehow. It scratches the Harvest Moon itch too…maybe that’s it.
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