I went to three baseball games this week, one graduation party, and one father’s day dinner. There wasn’t much time for anything, but I still got some gaming in.
Arrested Development – Partway through S4 I realized that this season was just a giant puzzle box meant to be deciphered as you went along. Either you like to do that or you don’t. Either you like the season or you don’t. Also, I’m not the only one who thinks Arrested Development is like One Hundred Years of Solitude!
For the record: I really enjoyed it, but I would rank it either equal with or below S3 depending on how I’m feeling on a given day. While we’re talking about S3, I can’t believe more people think Charlize Theron was the thing that worked out the least. Graft vs. Host is the reason why I can’t stand the season at times.
Sweet Valley has another weird album called Jenova. As always, it’s completely free. Check it out.
Does thinking about One Hundred Years of Solitude and Arrested Development‘s connections count?
Video Games
Animal Crossing: New Leaf – I won the Bug Off! Also a weird space octopus moved into my town. Cool stuff.
Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask – Just a few more short puzzles
The Last of Us – My LP started today and I’m really digging this game. It’s got a way more serious and grim tone that’s just fascinating to play.
Rayman Legends – Min and I may have gotten a gold cup on one! Lots of fun.
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