Category: Filmmakers Bleed
The Best Movies of the Decade [Filmmakers Bleed]
In no particular order… Memento (2000) Guess what readers, this post is more or less one giant love letter to Christopher Nolan. With the exception of Insomnia, this list contains every movie the man’s directed since Memento (NOTE: Insomnia is not bad, it’s just not best of the decade caliber). Memento does what Christopher Nolan […]
Insomnia Review [Filmmakers Bleed]
I’m a huge Christopher Nolan fan, but I somehow missed out on his third movie, Insomnia, back when it came out in 2002. Now that I’ve seen it, I can now say that I’ve seen all but one Nolan movie, the sole movie that escapes me being Following, which he made in 1998 and is […]
Up [Filmmakers Bleed]
It’s down to me to man the EBW Fort today, so today I think I’m gonna get in some quick words about Pixar’s latest movie, Up. There be spoilers here, so turn back if you don’t want to read them, mateys. After seeing it on opening weekend, Eric said the following to me “Worst Pixar […]
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? [Filmmakers Bleed]
Like tons of other nerds, I went and saw the Watchmen movie last weekend. It’s a divisive movie, that’s for sure, with half of the internet loving it and half of it hating it. What’s really important though is what I think of it. SPOILERS I’m gonna say right off the bat that I enjoyed […]
Filmmakers Bleed: Death Race Review
I hope that those of you who read my blog could tell from the get go that Death Race would be a stinker. I mean, it’s a movie about a prison race to the death to earn your freedom, not to mention that Jason Statham, who never refuses a buck, is in it. It’s hard […]
Filmmakers Bleed: Tropic Thunder Review
It’s the most random and hilarious plot I’ve ever heard of in recent history and I got to see it a couple of weeks ago. Tropic Thunder features a stellar comedic cast and absolutely no need to be serious at all with their subject matter. Ben Stiller directed this movie and he also stars in […]
Filmmakers Bleed: Pineapple Express
Back when I first got Superbad on Blu-ray, there was a short excerpt from Pineapple Express that I watched excitedly, assuming it would be as hilarious as Superbad. The clip seemed to suck pretty badly and I just didn’t get it. It was boring and just not funny at all! Then I saw a trailer […]
Filmmakers Bleed: North by Northwest Review
It’s time for a blast to the past today with a Hitchcock classic, North by Northwest (hereafter abbreviated as NNW). #40 on the AFI’s 100 Years…100 Movies top movie list, it’s held in high regard as one of Alfred Hitchcock’s best and also is credited with being “the first James Bond film,” by some due […]
Filmmakers Bleed/Idiot Box: It’s Time to Play the Music…
Two days ago I found myself at the Smithsonian museum checking out the NEW exhibit they created dedicated to Jim Henson. With exhibits showcasing every aspect of his work, from his early commercials to his work on Sam & Friends, The Muppet Show, Fraggle Rock, and Sesame Street, it was actually a really neat showcase […]