Month: October 2009

  • Blame Uncharted 2 [Game Overview]

    Insert another credit, because it’s time for your weekly video game news and you’ve just hit the Game Overview screen. I really meant to get this done last night when I got home from Eric’s, but I started playing Uncharted 2 instead (I’m so close to the ending!). I’ll probably review the game when I […]

  • Super Ichiban Travel Blog Part XIII: Beware the Ninth Ward [II]

    Boy, it’s gonna be tough to meaningfully fill these next few posts, since this day was mostly filled with travel (and no baseball) and the next is filled with baseball and not a whole lot of sightseeing, but I’ll do my best to make this as interesting as possible. Since we were staying in Kyoto, […]

  • Three Sweeps and a Disappointing Win [Wednesday Morning Quarterback]

    It’s time for Wednesday Morning Quarterback, your weekly sports round-up. Just like that we’re fully back to our regularly scheduled programming. I’ve gotta say, I missed this, but I’m also glad that I wasn’t here to write about Tampa Bay’s 11-game losing streak or the elimination of both Florida teams from playoff contention. You were […]

  • Super Ichiban Travel Blog Part XII: The Curse of the Colonel [II]

    This was one of the days I was most looking forward to on the trip. The Hanshin Tigers may not have the raw popularity of the Yomiuri Giants, but they’ve definitely got the most rabid fanbase in the entire country. Beyond that, Koshien Stadium is said to be the “soul of Japanese baseball,” most likely […]

  • The End of the Endurance Run [Embedded Reporter]

    Deep from the trenches, it’s time for your Monday video feature: Embedded Reporter. And were back to the ER after a long time So long, in fact, that I missed the final episode of the Persona 4 Endurance Run. It was a good run and I absolutely loved the series. I can’t wait to see […]

  • Dragon Questing V Part XIII [GO]

    Wow, it’s been a long while since I’ve written one of these. I hope you guys haven’t forgotten about this. How about a quick recap to get us all up to speed. Dan is a small boy who wears a purple robe. His father, Pankraz, is a big strong man who is on the search […]

  • Scavenge Mode [Game Overview]

    Insert another credit, because it’s time for your weekly video game news and you’ve just hit the Game Overview screen. Wow, what a long Game Overview hiatus! Did you guys miss it? I didn’t adequately gather this week’s news for GO, so instead I’m going to focus on one thing and one game: the recently […]

  • Super Ichiban Travel Blog Part XI: “That’s my wife. You no touch.” [II]

    Folks, from here on out, the SITB (that’s Super Ichiban Travel Blog for the uninitiated) will be shifted to a Tuesday/Thursday(/maybe Saturday) schedule (there are really only nine or so posts left, including this one) so that the blog can return to its regularly scheduled programming on MWF. The MLB playoffs have started and here […]

  • Super Ichiban Travel Blog Part X: Boredom on the Orient Express [II]

    Ok, so I’m being a little dramatic in the title, but with David gone and most of the day occupied by riding bullet trains across Japan, the day was definitely on the dull side. Most of the train ride was spent playing Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor, an SRPG whose setting is within the JR […]

  • Tetris [GO]

    Eric came up with an idea to write parallel reviews of the same video game to see how similar our reviews came out. You can see his at Eric’s Binary World 2.0 Tetris is…”video gaming distilled to its core” A Tetris Review (In Four Lines) Tetris is a game where you try to clear lines […]