Tag: apollo justice: ace attorney
What I’ve Been Doing 4 Nov 2013 [FB/IB/F/BT/GO]
I’ve gotten really bad at doing these in a timely fashion. Gotta get back up on that horse… Movies Under African Skies – Katie’s favorite album is Graceland and we happened upon a track on the 25th anniversary album where Paul Simon explained how the song was constructed. It really got us in the mood […]
Been Busy! [Uncat]
Sorry to keep delaying posts, but the rest of this week is super busy thanks to the recent blizzard, so I probably won’t have anything until next week. Don’t worry, the ME2 review should be about as epic as the Brütal Legend one to make up for the lack of posts.
Slacked Off [Game Overview]
I slacked off hardcore this week, so I don’t really have any real news stories prepared for you this week, but I did have tons of fun last night playing Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney. I’ve finally resolved to finish the game’s final case after a hiatus that lasted nearly a year. A new game has […]