Tag: bioshock

  • On Tim Schafer, Apotheosis, and Video Game Rockstars: A Brütal Legend Review [Game Overview]

    Apotheosis – 1. The fact or action of becoming a god; deification 2. Glorification, exaltation; crediting someone with extraordinary power or status. Do you know who Tim Schafer is? When I still lived at home, my dad used to ask me, “When are you gonna grow up and stop playing video games?” He tells my […]

  • Game Overview: To Boston!?!

    Breaking news: Following the departure of Jeff Green from the GFW magazine, it seems that my actual favorite member of GFW, Shawn Elliot, is also splitting to head to 2k Boston, the game studio responsible for Bioshock. While I applaud his career move out of the sinking ship that is GFW, I have to say […]