Tag: dragon age: origins

  • 2011 in Video Games [GO]

    2011 was an odd year in games for me. It started out like any other, filled with joy and happiness, and then it was all wrenched away halfway through, thanks to that burglary, until I was able to start replenishing my stores and getting the ball rolling again for the second half. This list, unlike […]

  • What I’ve Been Doing 15 Aug 2011 [FB/IB/BT/GO]

    Movies Blade Runner – Until today I’d never seen what many people consider to be the greatest sci-fi movie ever made. Fixed that this week. It’s an amazing movie full of symbolism and all kinds of neat visual imagery, but I didn’t love watching it. Definitely important to see, but you might not have a […]

  • Morality, Maturity, Treading Water, and Missed Opportunities: A Mass Effect 2 Review [Game Overview]

    …like many mechanisms of this kind your choices tend to come down to being an omnibenevolent supercherub or the Goddamned devil. -Jerry “Tycho” Holkins WARNING: SPOILERS A member of your crew was double-crossed before he joined you. Eleven of his friends died as a result of that treachery and he wants revenge on the killer. […]

  • Mass Effect 2 Impressions [Game Overview]

    A little known series called Mass Effect just released its second iteration on the series this Tuesday. Since none of the major outlets seem to be covering it, I figured I’d give some impressions. Note that the screenshots were taken in windowed mode because my stupid computer didn’t want to actually capture images in fullscreen. […]

  • On Tim Schafer, Apotheosis, and Video Game Rockstars: A Brütal Legend Review [Game Overview]

    Apotheosis – 1. The fact or action of becoming a god; deification 2. Glorification, exaltation; crediting someone with extraordinary power or status. Do you know who Tim Schafer is? When I still lived at home, my dad used to ask me, “When are you gonna grow up and stop playing video games?” He tells my […]

  • Truly, This is the Age of Trailers [Embedded Reporter]

    Deep from the trenches, it’s time for your Monday video feature: Embedded Reporter. What did I spend most of this weekend doing? Playing Dragon Age: Origins and watching The Wire. Only one of them is new and only one of them has a fancy new video review to watch. As a special bonus, watch the […]