Tag: gcn

  • On Tim Schafer, Apotheosis, and Video Game Rockstars: A Brütal Legend Review [Game Overview]

    Apotheosis – 1. The fact or action of becoming a god; deification 2. Glorification, exaltation; crediting someone with extraordinary power or status. Do you know who Tim Schafer is? When I still lived at home, my dad used to ask me, “When are you gonna grow up and stop playing video games?” He tells my […]

  • You Can Quote Me On That: Tim Rogers

    If you know me or read this site regularly, you know that I’m a huge fan of Tim Rogers of ActionButton.net. I don’t universally agree with him, but I do universally love how the things he says about game design and video games in general make me think critically about games both as entertainment, as […]

  • Game Overview: Post 16-Bit, Pre-Current Gen Runner-Up Part 2

    This final runner-up was the smash success sequel to a radical idea from Nintendo that, surprisingly, almost didn’t even see the light of day on US soil. Today we examine the best-selling game on the Gamecube, Super Smash Bros. Melee. Runner-up: Super Smash Bros. Melee The idea was so brilliant, I’m surprised no one came […]

  • Game Overview: Post 16-Bit, Pre-Current Gen Runner-Up Part 1

    There were certainly a lot of games between the 16-bit era and the current gen, but I, surprisingly, don’t have a whole lot of games on the list. It’s not that the medium entered a dark age or anything like that, it’s more that following the SNES era, I didn’t have the systems that were […]

  • Game Overview: Post 16-Bit, Pre-Current Gen All-Stars

    Insert another credit, because it’s time for your weekly video game news and you’ve just hit the Game Overview screen. Due to some poor life decisions, I find myself stranded for five weeks without any video games. What’s a guy to do, right? Well, rather than just giving you some of the headlines from the […]

  • Embedded Reporter: Courage is Solid

    Deep from the trenches, it’s time for your Monday video feature: Embedded Reporter. So in just three short days the world will see a simultaneous release of Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots! Here’s an interesting bit of trivia: MGS2, MGS2: Substance, MG Portable Ops, MGS: The Twin Snakes and MGS3 were all […]

  • Game Overview: 16-Bit All-Stars

    Insert another credit, because it’s time for your weekly video game news and you’ve just hit the Game Overview screen. Due to some poor life decisions, I find myself stranded for five weeks without any video games. What’s a guy to do, right? Well, rather than just giving you some of the headlines from the […]

  • Game Overview Editorial: Difficulty in Video Games

    You’re playing through an RPG. You’ve gained five levels, found some sweet equipment drops, minimized the use of your precious items, and then it happens. You come up against a behemoth of a monster. Your party is decimated, your progress lost, your controller tossed through the screen. Does this even begin to sound familiar to […]