Tag: oklahoma sooners
Pre-Game [WMQ]
I can barely contain my excitement for this final game between the Sooners and the Gators. Yesterday was spent mostly reading about the matchups and looking at game projections for who was going to win this game (I also found a guy who writes a Tuesday Morning Quarterback column, but I think he writes about […]
And We’re Back [WMQ]
Break is over and I should be returning to a more regularly scheduled format for this week’s blogging. Hope you’ve all had a happy New Year! I know it’s not Wednesday, but I think it’s fair to call this a football category too, so bear with me on this. Last night was the conclusion of […]
BCS Championship! [Wednesday Morning Quarterback]
You’ve probably heard the saying that hindsight is 20/20 on Monday morning, so just imagine how well I can call ’em two days later on Wednesday. That’s right, it’s time for Wednesday Morning Quarterback, your weekly sports round-up. Yeah, yeah, I know I just said that this feature might go on hiatus until spring, but […]