Tag: tokyo dome
Super Ichiban Travel Blog W Jersey Special [II]
The pride of my trip to Japan no doubt has to be the 12 jersey collection I brought home with me. Here is a quick rundown of each of the jerseys, a little background behind each, and what I think of it. I’m gonna cover them in the order that I got them, so that […]
Super Ichiban Travel Blog Part XVI: Unstoppable Force, Meet Immovable Object [II]
When you’re on a 2.5 week trip, it hardly seems like it’s ever going to end, but it was my last day in Tokyo and it felt pretty surreal. It would be my last chance to tie up all my loose ends, so I headed out to get my final souvenirs and replace that stupid […]
Super Ichiban Travel Blog Part VII: i believe lions [II]
After an intense and draining day, it was finally time to get back to Tokyo for the last leg of the main tour and to catch some more baseball action! It’s hard not to love Hiroshima and the Chūgoku region in general. Nowhere else in Japan did I see such devotion to a baseball team […]