My war against France has not been going well. Rather than continue the pointless war of attrition thanks to my absurdly long supply lines, I’m working on discovering Mathematics, building catapults, and then capturing France.

Khmer Empire
With the sacking of Thessalonica, the Holy Roman Empire is no more. I learned from Eric that Justinian even made an impassioned plea to him to try and save his empire by going to war against me. He wisely wanted nothing to do with my army of horse archers and chariots and Justinian met his end. It wasn’t fair, but life isn’t fair.

Another lovely side effect of the destruction of the HRE was that I gained the Great Wall wonder. You can see the breadth of my empire in the screen below. Note my mighty barbarian-repelling wall. Marvel at how useless it is since it lies mostly in the interior of my empire. Also note that the Mongolians are settling above me. Whether or not I should kill them is still a question in my mind.

I also became Buddhist in this game since I captured the Buddhist Holy City of Constantinople (I know, haha). My work will be to spread its influence as soon as I can.
The most pressing problems in Portugal are the oncoming barbarian swarms.

Other than that, Kublai Khan refuses to make peace, so my struggle continues. He attacked a swordsman and an axeman outside of his city with maybe six attackers and I miraculously fended them off. Thanks to that, the city will be mine next turn. Bwahahahahaha. Wish you made peace now, huh?
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