In four Minor League starts, Stephen Strasburg has shown that AA cannot contain him. The Nats don’t want to rush him, but here are some numbers to consider.
Innings pitched: 17.1 (that’s really 17.333, but baseball is strange about inning decimals)
Hits: 7
Strikeouts: 23
WHIP: 0.577 (this is a measure of how many people reach base per inning, so just under 0.6 per inning)
K/BB (Strikeout to Walk): 7.67
Earned Runs: 1
I’ll do the ERA math for you: 0.52. That is insane.
No one realistically thinks that these numbers are going to remain this stellar when he reaches the Bigs, but if they remain close, this guy will be embarrassing MLB-caliber hitters before you know it. I’m not saying that Strasburg needs to go to the MLB right now. I get that Washington is holding him back for money reasons, but shouldn’t they be trying to challenge him just a wee bit more? Shouldn’t he be promoted to AAA already?
Just for fun, Strasburg also has a 0.333 batting average with 2 RBIs and an OPS of 0.833. This guy is just phenomenal.
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