Unless you happen to understand Japanese, you probably have no idea what a fukubukuro is. The word literally means lucky/mystery bag and it’s a New Year’s Day tradition in Japan where retailers sell bags of merchandise for deep discounts. Since these are “mystery bags”, customers have no idea what they’ve purchased until they open them and the prizes could be anything from a new blu-ray player to a sock. The idea to turn this concept into a series of articles was not my own, but something that tim rogers first did in 2001. As far as I know he doesn’t still do them, but I fell in love with the idea two years ago and only just now managed to implement it.
It is in that spirit that I present my Fukubukuro for 2010. Unlike tim, they’re not a reflection of my year in video games; instead each article is about my life viewed through the prisms of weather, events, movies, music, and, yes, video games. As much as possible I tried to write each of these entries in the month to which they refer to, but I did cheat on a few of them. As 2011 begins today, I hope you enjoy my journey through 2010 over the next twelve days. It’s been a lot of fun working on this feature.
Happy New Year,

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