The Old Republic continues to dominate making this list much more boring than it should be, but I’m having lots of fun with it, so get over it.
Young Adult – David didn’t want to go see the latest by Diablo Cody and Jason Reitman because it looked weird. Well, David, it was a little weird, but it was also funny and awesome. Best of all, it had a real knockout ending. I was left speechless when I saw that last scene between Charlize Theron and Collette Wolfe. Great movie.
Finally figured out what was wrong with Google Listen (had to reset the cache) and got back into MBMBaM. Super funny show and they’ve really been on their game the past few weeks.
The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo – I’m reading this at a glacial pace during lunches or whatever. Slow.
Video Games
The Old Republic – Finally hit 50 (woo!), but I’m still not done with my class quests. Been running Hard Mode instances with Min and they’re lots of fun. Can’t wait until more in the guild hit 50 too and we can start raiding!
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