This is gonna be a weird update because I don’t think any most of my regular readers contributed to the Double Fine Adventure, but the first episode of their documentary series is out for backers. Watching it…felt good.
I would love to link to the video to prove it, but it’s backers-only (I’m sure you could find it on youtube if you really tried, but that’s really crappy. Don’t do that). The production values are high and the documentary just pulls at all the right heartstrings. I mean, I felt really good about the entire project and that’s why I’m writing this post. This project makes me feel like I’m a part of something big. All I did was toss in $100, but I feel like I’m contributing to the changing face of games and seeing the happiness on Tim Schafer’s face (a man whose work I adore) makes everything feel so right. I’m proud of Double Fine and I hope this project goes really well.
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