That Wrath of the Lamb DLC is awesome stuff. It’s still a super challenging game to get through, but I’m absolutely enjoying it. I almost want to play it more than Diablo 3. Speaking of which, I’m getting close to 60…Just three more levels.
Haywire – Our aborted attempt to watch this movie probably saved us all a lot of time and earned us a free movie ticket. Gina Carano is great in her action scenes, but a lot less great in her dialogue scenes. It’s just tough when she’s surrounded by so many other talented actors. Makes me want to watch some Jackie Chan movies.
Girls – Pretty neat episode centered around Adam. I thought that Chris O’Dowd barely held in his Irish accent and his scary, entitled attitude was funny, but it wasn’t my favorite episode of the show.
Veep – I liked all the pressure on the staffers who were going to be fired. Selina is an interesting character and I’ve been digging the show so far, but I haven’t figured out where it’s going yet (or if that’s the point). Still, it’s been a fantastic show and I’m really happy that the show got renewed for another season. It’s great to have a sharp political satire on TV.
The Bachelorette – Two shows this week are testaments to how much I love spending time with my girlfriend. See if you can guess which two they are.
Fashion Police – Joan Rivers sure likes to make jokes about her vagina, doesn’t she?
Mad Men – Season finale! Really beautiful episode. This show is art every week and I’m sad to see it go for the season. It ended on an interesting note regarding the future of the Draper marriage and it was great to see Pete confront his own unhappiness. I thought Alexis Bledel did a fine job too. I really hope we don’t lose Peggy screentime next year because she’s at that other firm. Please bring her back next year as a regular!
Regina Spektor – “What We Saw from the Cheap Seats” just came out two weeks ago and I’ve been listening to it more and more. Spektor’s playful style doesn’t get in the way of making great music. Listen to it first to make sure you appreciate her quirkiness, but definitely buy it.
Moe Berg: Athlete, Scholar, Spy – Didn’t make a whole lot of progress on this, but it’s still interesting.
Video Games
Diablo III – I’m tantalizingly close to level 60 and Inferno mode. Definitely gonna have to grind a bunch once I get there because…wow…things are already getting super tough for me and I’m only in Act II.
The Binding of Isaac – The new items seem to be overpowered, but I’m also not dominating the game every time I boot it up, so I guess it’s still The Binding of Isaac. You probably missed the super cheap price in May, but it’s still somewhere around $5, I think. No reason not to buy it, I’d say.
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