This year did not go as planned.
That’s actually fairly unfair to say considering that eleven of the twelve months went, more or less, the way they were supposed to, but it’s that one big even that’s going to color the way this annual event goes.
So here’s the thing, guys. Normally these posts are all written in the month they occurred, but I was way behind all this year and, well, my planned topics don’t make sense any more. Despite how I might have wanted to write about time I spent with Tiffany as a specific landmark of the year, going back now and writing about it doesn’t make sense. I’m not in that moment.
So the Fukubukuro (福袋, lit: lucky/mystery bag) is going to be a little reworked and it’s gonna take a little longer than twelve days. January’s a long month, guys. Don’t worry.
Beyond the relationship stuff, 2012 was actually not too bad. I moved twice, saw the rise and fall of the Miami Marlins, and got to know Baltimore a little better. Guys, I have a niece now and she’s beautiful and adorable. 2012 didn’t end how I wanted it to, but I think all the transition leading into 2013 will lead to big things for me. I hope you enjoy my musings about 2012 and I hope to see you all again next year.
Happy New Year,

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