Persona 4 Endurance Run [Embedded Reporter]

Deep from the trenches, it’s time for your Monday video feature: Embedded Reporter.

Now, I know this is going to sound both bizarre and boring in concept, but hear me out on this, cause it’s actually pretty awesome. Here’s what I’m proposing to you: Watch two other people play an ~65-80 hour game on a daily basis at about 20-50 mins long. Sound awful? Well you haven’t heard the icing on the cake: they’re going to Mystery Science Theater 3000 the whole thing!

Giant Bomb members Jeff Gerstmann and Vinny Caravella are doing just that with Persona 4, the epic role playing game simply because neither of them would have the time to play it on their own time, so why not do it as a work-related activity?

Below is the first episode, which is a little low on action, very high on exposition, game-wise, but it also lays the foundations for the humor that you can expect to see in each of the episodes. Also hilarious, but not as present in the first episode, is the way that the pair learns to play the game. They’re going in cold, no guides, no FAQs, but they do occasionally look up facts on their iPhone for the classes and they also will take some advice from the forums and comments.

They are currently on episode 55, representing over 24 hours of gameplay (and footage), but, let me tell you, it’s all well worth it.


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